Expert physical therapy care in an inclusive & inviting setting

Meet your recovery team

headshot of Caitlin Greenstein, Owner & Lead Physical Therapist at Beyond Physical Therapy in Raleigh, NC

Caitlin Greenstein
Owner + Lead Physical Therapist

Dr. Caitlin Greenstein, PT, DPT, OCS has been a physical therapist since 2010 after receiving her clinical doctorate in physical therapy (DPT) from Ithaca College in 2009.

Her certification as an Orthopedic Specialist (OCS) is one held by less than 10% of physical therapists in the United States.

Caitlin has also practiced Trigger Point Dry Needling since 2015, which has further developed her clinical expertise. She particularly enjoys treating patients with chronic pain syndromes and utilizes a highly researched pain science approach. She believes in empowering her patients through education combined with highly skilled manual therapy to achieve ultimate fulfillment and participation in life.

headshot of Client Success Coordinator & Social Media Manager at Beyond Physical Therapy in Raleigh, NC

Claire Ostadi
Client Success Coordinator + Social Media Manager

Claire received her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. An aspiring physical therapist, she will be starting her doctorate program in the Fall of 2024.

Outside of her role as the Client Success Coordinator at Beyond Physical Therapy, Claire loves interacting with others in the health & wellness industry as a yoga instructor and personal trainer.

Our Above & Beyond Approach

As a performance-based physical therapy clinic located in downtown Raleigh, the Beyond Physical Therapy team strives to create a safe and inclusive space for our patients to not only experience pain relief but also improve their functional & athletic performance beyond the standard level of care.

What makes us different?

  • Private sessions with a doctor of physical therapy

  • Performance-based approach to maximize outcomes for the long term

  • Better and quicker results which means a shorter plan of care

  • Access to your provider between visits to help with accountability

Our long-term goal is to provide rehabilitation for patients that puts them in a better position than where they were before their issue began in order to reduce the likelihood of recurrence.


  • Your treatment plan depends entirely on the scope and severity of your symptoms and issues, as well as your general health and mobility. At Beyond Physical Therapy, we do our best to provide a comprehensive care plan that helps you get back to your regular hobbies and activities with minimal to no pain as quickly as we can. However, we cannot guarantee any specific deadlines for when your treatment is complete.

  • Your rehabilitation doesn’t end when you leave our clinic — to achieve optimal health and healing that reduces the likelihood of your issues coming back, you must perform your at-home exercises (even if they make you sore). This active component of your custom treatment plan is absolutely essential to your healing, as strong muscles keep your body safe and strong.

  • Since each appointment will include both manual therapy as well as exercises that you’ll learn and perform in the office (as well as at home), be sure to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. We also recommend sneakers or athletic shoes for the exercise component of your appointment.

  • Yes! At Beyond Physical Therapy, we understand that the rapport between therapists and patients is crucial to your recovery, which is why you will always see the same PT at your appointments (barring any emergencies or illnesses that prevent them from coming into the office, of course).

  • Though appointment length will vary based on each patient’s needs, you can typically expect to be in our office for 1 hour from start to finish.

  • Once we’ve done a complete evaluation and created a treatment plan, we can better determine the frequency of your appointments. However, most patients can expect to see us anywhere from 1 to 3x per week.

The changes you make today decide where you’ll be in a year.

Let’s start your rehabilitation journey today and get you back on the right path toward healthy, pain-free living.